I had been reading Dr, Devdutt Pattnaik’s Amazing blog “Devdutt” since a long while now. Apart from the fact that I was very fond of indian mythology since  my early childhood and I had been reading a whole lot of books of this genere with great deal of interest, What made Dr. Pattanaik’s blog to stand out in my opinion was its amazing simplicity, objectivity of facts and a more modernized and contemprary way of explaining the logic behind ancient myths of india and the world. To which he had given an interesting synonym “modern myth-making”.

I don’t really know whether this word is already well known to academicians and researchers, or its a new addition, but I felt the expression within this word was very apt to objectify and relate to something which is related with presenting and associating myths with the modern scenario.

Dr. Pattnaik’s writings has vividity and hence proves him incredibly prolific , in spite of the fact that most of his writings are often having myth and mythology as a basic theme. Its an axis on which the most of his ideas find their base. Beside this ( as its well known ) that Dr. Pattnaik has authored a wide range of books, and while glancing at the books itself, its originality, vividity and the author’s dexterity at explaining facts and spining tales around, can be well noticed and realized.

Books ranging from titles like The Business sutra to 7 secrets of shiva and vishnu, the pregnant king etc.are highly valuable and original additions of his to Indian story telling tradition.

And it was a surely pleasant surprise to see Dr. Pattnaik in a whole new avatar and through a whole new media when I first saw the promo of Devlok with Devdutt Pattnaik recently. The one thing which came immediately to my mind when I saw this was … What new he was going to tell ? And as expected, he had all the answers to my curiosity. Such an amazing way to explain some off the lesser known and well known concepts of vedas, Puranas, and several epics of India, that may leave you mesmerized for long.

Its in such a unique Q&A format which involves asking FAQ’s regarding a topic and then, getting more into the subject gradually. More importantly a scientific and more reliable way of telling (away from all the supernatural stuff that is highly evident in such stories and folklore. ) makes its more convincing. That is the reason why when our perceptions and deeply rooted belief is shaken during the talk, no person with a  rational thinking, feels offended. According to Dr. Pattnaik himself –

The piety in hinduism is in following and not Understanding.

And to my firm belief, This is a initiative of shaking perceptions. This is an act of making people understand religion, By stating the logic behind, and making religion a more lovable, more free and most importantly, a more understandable concept.