I am a bit confused these days regarding what should be the title of my blog. I think most of the bloggers who have just started a blog, may have the same issues with them as I am having.

Because what happens sometime is, a person may find a blog exactly of the same name as his, with that perticular blogger having a lot of popularity, lot of people knowing about the other one and (obviously) he might be writing since a time which may be much before than the new one.

Now in such a scenario, it seems almost impossible for a new blogger to continue with a blog title he had choosen,  and its the worst thing if the name is identical to a well known and esteemed blog.

Hence a newbie is left with no better option than to change the blog’s name itself. Which in turn, leaves the readers of such blogs, confused, and moreover, frustrated.

Also If the names are frequently changed or vague and confusing names are given to the blog, then the kind readers may loose their confidence on such blogs.

All I wanted to ask from the respected bloggers on blogging platforms is :

1. What all things are those which you may suggest to keep in mind while deciding a title of a blog ?

2. What are those things that may be attempted to preseve the uniqueness of our blog ?  (in terms of title.)

Your comments suggestions would be highly appreciated.