I was probably 12,when for the first time (though accidentally) I read the epic Mahabharat, just out of curiosity and also with a greed to read a real long and interesting book, as I have heard numerous extracts from the epic from my grandparents, which was no different from countless children in this country does, sitting on the laps of their elders.

I was so impressed and influenced by this particular book that most of my early works has a huge impact of the Mahabharat, and even now I consider those writings as the finest of mine and the one which laid down the foundation stone of my literary career.

The mahabharat truly had every emotion & dimension of life. No situation was left to be portrayed in this book.That’s why I find this epic as more realistic and useful for the society.(Although I respect the belief concerned with other epics) because the Mahabharat is away from that supernatural stuff that is very often and evident in others.

Its natural yet supernatural, Its utopias yet rational, Its dark yet bright and its earthly, yet out of the world !!!

This is what makes it divine, and that’s why one senses the divinity of the Mahabahat.